Eighteenth Club (June 2011)

Monday, 06 June 2011 08:25

Gödöllő Climate Club

2 June 2011

Minutes – English summary

People present:

Márta Kaszap, Móni and Pali Simó, Benigna Boza-Kiss, Tünde Pilcsik, Kinga Milánkovics, Simon Milton, Edina és Kristóf Vadovics, Gabi Baranyi

1. Introduction to the new members.

2. Short report of Edina and Kristóf who were invited to the KLIKK (Climate Friendly Networks and Small Communities) Conference, where they shared their experience with the Climate Club with other similarly interested participants. The conference was connected to the subject of the Climate Friendly Cities book, which was published in May. There were several people among the participants who currently organize Climate Friendly Communities or were interested in the subject. The author of the Transition Towns book and one of the key person of the movement, Rob Hopkins also “participated”: he gave a talk through Skype because according to his principles he doesn’t fly to a conference, because it is a lot of CO2 emission.

3. We watched the Farm for the future film, which had a great effect on everyone. The film had been prepared by an English farm owner lady who realized the dependence of food production on fossil energy, mostly on oil. If we run out of this type of energy source, it will affect the nutrition of the whole mankind. In this film she looks for a solution for this problem, in other words, how we can farm without fossil fuels, and find a more natural, environmentally friendly way for food production. One solution may be the permaculture.

4. This film made us think so after we had seen it we started a discussion about different topics.

The date of our next club meeting is not settled yet, we will send an email about it. The place will be the usual.